Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Let's Be Honest, If Rap Music Is To Blame For Black Violence Then FOX News Is To Blame For White Male Terrorists

If Rap Music Is To Blame For Black Violence Then FOX News Is To Blame For White Male Terrorists - Let's Explore The Double Standard Together.

There are many factors which can attributed to violence in a culture but none of them have such a strong causation as inequality. Study after Study has proven that inequality is the main contributing factor of crime. However, FOX new has repeatedly stipulated that black culture is to blame. Even going as far to say that the BLM movement is perpetuating violence. However, Black lives matter continues to be the only group who protest when white people (like Zachary Hammond) are killed by police. The Fact remains that Fox news represents White Supremacist values and feeds into the prejudices and selective ignorance of white America. Many Fox viewers don't actually care about the truth. Many just want a news source that will build the narrative of the persecuted white demographic who is losing their privileged control over the social structure of our nation. Many white people have lived a hard life and dont feel privileged However, none of them has been pulled over for driving while black. None of them has ever been denied housing or been turned down for a job due to the color of their skin.

When will more Americans practice empathy over apathy? 

This Study shows that white right wing Americans have killed more fellow americans than Muslim jihadists. However, FOX seems to push the anti muslim agenda despite having connections to the Saudi Arabian Jihadist News station.

This FBI Report shows the documented infiltration of law enforcement by white supremacists. This report is 10 years old and nothing was done. 

Please pay attention and share this video... Over the last couple of days we have had word that white supremacist groups was going to come out in disrupt the demonstration.... Well last night a white supremacist did in fact come out and stood in the crowd of maybe six brothers and start using the N word and other derogatory language..... Me being a veteran at this I knew that it was a possibility that he could be a agent provocateur, I stop the brothers from going in on em and we escorted him off of the property nonetheless I had one of the brothers to follow him and look at what you see you see this white supremacist getting in the back of a Minnesota State Trooper vehicle that is terrible please watch in its entirety

Watch This Video Here 

See How Fox news treats white terrorists in comparison to black on black crime.
Is this another case of a lone wolf killer or "suicide by mass murder" or is there is a deeper pattern that emerges when an ideology of hate encounters propaganda to go along with it?
read more here

When is this collection of isolated incidences going to be seen as a media fed pattern?
read more here

Read about the influence that propaganda has on racism

Many will try to say that FOX does NOT in fact blame black violence on black culture. So i have added a few clips from fox news just to show that I'm not making it up.

Here is FOX news blaming black culture for violence.....

And Here... 
(notice she saying so much for a post-racial America)
Apparently a Black President means racism is over.

and here

If it's Ok To Blame Black Violence On Rap Music Then Why Cant We Blame White Violence on FOX?

Here is a White Terrorist Views on the black lives matter movement... 

notice the words "inspired to take action"

No one else besides FOX news is using the black lives matter movement as a scapegoat for social unrest. 

Another detail to consider is that Fox has always had special interests with foreign agendas to destabilize the US. 

Alwaleed’s interest in News Corp., the media conglomerate of Rupert Murdoch and once-parent company to Fox News, started in 1997 with a $400 million investment, according to a description of the investment on Alwaleed’s Kingdom Holding Co.’s website. That was 3 percent of News Corp.’s worth. In 2005, he increased his holding to 5.5 percent, the site states.
The picture is a little different now because News Corp. split into two companies in June 2013 amid fallout from the company’s phone-hacking controversy with its British newspapers.
The move spawned a new News Corp., housing publications such as the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post and Vogue. A second company, 21st Century Fox, oversees movies and TV programming, including the Fox News Channel.
Murdoch is chairman of both companies and controls just under 80 percent of the voting stock in each (between himself and his family trust). Who’s next in line? According to a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, it’s Alwaleed.
Alwaleed owns 7 percent of Class B voting stock with 21st Century Fox, second only to Murdoch, as of Aug. 19. The filing notes, in compliance with federal securities law, 40 percent of Alwaleed’s voting rights are suspended because he is not an American citizen.
He is the third largest stockholder in the new News Corp., trailing Murdoch and aninvestment firm, with a 6.6 percent stake.
The relationship with Murdoch is reciprocal. News Corp. has a sizable stake in Rotana, a broadcasting company that airs Arabic and English programming in the Middle East. Alwaleed owns an 80 percent stake of Rotana, according to Bloomberg.
So Alwaleed has a sizable interest in Fox News, second in one aspect only to Murdoch. read more here

Remember who did 911...

The Saudi's And The CIA...

Since this information came out, the prince has sold his shares.


 Murdoch co-owns Al Risala through his acquisition of an 18.97 percent stake in Rotana, Al Risala’s Arabic media parent group, which is owned by Alwaleed.
Read More Here

It is my position that FOX news only purpose is to provide false narrative in order to divide this nation. No matter how many american flags you may adorn your channel with it will never take away the hate that has "inspired (so many) to take action". As long as we have a right wing propaganda machine dividing our nation we will be inching towards civil war. As long as Police are protecting corporate america and serving white supremacy there will never be peace. Can there ever even be justice on stolen land?

Let's start Blaming FOX for white supremacist attacks...

I propose  #IBlAMEFOX , or #FOXATFAULT anytime a white supremacist attack happens. lets turn the tables on this hate group.
Let's change the social narrative.

Written By Nightlife Jones

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